North Yorkshire Outbreak Management Advisory Board
Notes of a discussion held remotely, via Microsoft Teams, on Thursday 22nd April 2021
North Yorkshire County Council Representatives:
Councillor Carl Les, Leader (Chair)
Councillor Caroline Dickinson, Executive Member, Public Health, Prevention, Supported Housing
Councillor Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Adult Services and Health Integration
Councillor Stuart Parsons, Leader of the Independent Group
Richard Flinton, Chief Executive
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)
Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health
Richard Webb, Corporate Director, Health and Adult Services
District Council Representatives:
Councillor Liz Colling, Scarborough Borough Council
Councillor Angie Dale, Leader, Richmondshire District Council
Councillor Richard Foster, Leader, Craven District Council
Councillor Janet Frank, Ryedale District Council (substitute for Councillor John Clark)
Councillor Ann Myatt, Harrogate Borough Council
Councillor Stephen Watson, Hambleton District Council
Other Partners’ Representatives:
Sue Peckitt, Chief Nursing Officer, North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (substitute for Amanda Bloor)
Lisa Winward, Chief Constable
Ian Yapp, Chief Education Officer, the STAR Multi-Academy Trust and Executive Head Teacher, Riverside School
In attendance (all from North Yorkshire County Council, unless stated):
Councillor Karin Sedgwick, Chair of the Care & Independence Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Melanie Carr, Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer
Patrick Duffy, Senior Democratic Services Officer (Clerk)
Mike James, Team Leader, Marketing and Customer Communications
Victoria Turner, Public Health Consultant
Apologies received from:
Amanda Bloor, Accountable Officer, North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Councillor John Clark, Ryedale District Council
Councillor Mark Crane, Leader, Selby District Council
Ashley Green, Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch, North Yorkshire
Phil Mettam, Humber, Coast and Vale NHS Test and Trace Lead
Julia Mulligan, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
Beverley Proctor, Chief Executive, Independent Care Group
Helen Simpson, Chair, York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership
Sally Tyrer, Chair, North Yorkshire Local Medical Committee
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County Councillor Carl Les welcomed Members of the Board and any members of the public or media viewing the meeting.
He advised that he is the Leader of the Council and Chairs this Board and that:-
- the main role of this Board is to support the effective communication of the test, trace and contain plan for the county and to ensure that the public and local businesses are effectively communicated with;
- decisions of the Board are purely advisory and its recommendations will be considered through the governance arrangements of the bodies represented, which retain their decision making sovereignty;
- the papers for this meeting had been published in advance on the County Council’s website; and
- the Board comprises, among others, representatives of the County Council; District and Borough Councils; the NHS; Public Health England; Schools; Healthwatch; the Care Sector; and the Voluntary Sector
The Chair welcomed Caroline O’Neill as a new Member, representing Community First Yorkshire. |
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As stated in the attendance on the previous page. |
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AGREED that these were an accurate reflection of the discussion. |
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There were no declarations of interest. |
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The Chair asked Members if they could advise him, at this stage, whether they had any item of urgent business they were likely to raise under that heading, so that he could ensure there was sufficient time at the end to consider it. No Members indicated that they had any urgent business to raise. |
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Slides were presented by Louise Wallace, which contained data regarding the epidemiology of the pandemic internationally; for the UK; North Yorkshire; and by Districts.
Louise Wallace made the following points, in particular:-
- Globally, there have now been 136 million cases and 2.9 million deaths worldwide, with the UK having the sixth highest number of cases and fifth highest number of fatalities. Some countries are still experiencing a growth in cases and fatalities
- Whilst the situation in the UK is improving, there were still over 19,000 cases and 234 deaths last week
- In North Yorkshire, we are seeing an average of about 20 cases each day. The position is much improved but now appears to be levelling out. The North Yorkshire rate of infection is 25.1 per 100,000 people, compared to 28 for England as a whole. These figures are a seven-day rate. Most Districts have infection rates below the national rate
- Outbreaks are still occurring. The Public Health Team is actively providing support where these occur, particularly in Selby, which currently has the highest rate of infection in the county at 48.6 per 100,000 population. Household transmission accounts for some of the outbreaks
- We have now progressed through three significant dates in the Government’s Roadmap – 8th and 29th March and 12th April. The key message is that people should still only meet outdoors and be following health protection measures around washing hands; making space; covering faces; and letting in fresh air
The Chair congratulated Louse on her substantive appointment to the role of Director of Public Health,
Richard Webb commented on how, at different stages of the pandemic, there have been some marked variations in the number of cases between areas. For instance, the rate in South and West Yorkshire has been twice that of North Yorkshire. The possible reasons for this are being looked into, but could include the fact that more people have to go into work in South and West Yorkshire.
He also referred to the volatility of the figures; as cases reduce, it only needs a few household cases, or an outbreak in one workplace, for the figures to shoot up and look very different.
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Sue Peckitt provided an update. In summary:-
- The rollout continues, as per the National Guidance
- The target of a 100% offer of a first vaccine to Cohorts 1 to 9 by 15th April was met. Uptake was 90%
- Continuing to offer a first dose to people who chose not to come forward initially
- Working jointly with the County Council and Humber, Coast and Vale on harder to reach groups and vaccine inequalities
- Now rolling out the vaccine to Cohorts 10 to 12 - As of Tuesday 20th April, 427,961 people had received their first dose and 140,249 had received their second dose
- In the next 2 to 3 weeks will be concentrating on second doses, so as to ensure that people receive their second dose within 12 weeks of their first dose.
In response to questions from Councillor Liz Colling, Sue Peckitt advised that close household contacts of people who may be immune or suppressed are being invited to receive the vaccine, across all groups, through the GP Scheme. She can obtain the numbers involved.
Sue Peckitt |
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Mike James took Members through this Item. Slides had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.
The slides included visual examples of communications.
Mike reminded Members about the aims of the Communications Strategy and the principles behind it and advised that:-
- Work continues to support communications around the vaccination roll out and access to testing, together with communications to support our people and businesses through the next stage of the Government’s Road Map
- Core support revolves around rollout of the vaccine; helping people access testing; and supporting communities and businesses through the Government Road Map
- Recent activity includes the weekly Press Conference by the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) which is an opportunity for the media to hear directly from those organisations leading the response
- An Unlock Summer Campaign has commenced. It is County Council based, but designed to work alongside other communications taking place among LRF partners and campaigns being run by District and Borough Council colleagues to help support, for example, people to return safely to the High Street and support local businesses. The theme concerns the unlocking in the next stage of the Government’s Road Map and behaviours that we want people to adhere to. It will be conducted via a wide range of media - including radio adverts - and focuses on real people and real businesses telling their story
- Looking ahead, the joint LRF communications will continue to focus on the vaccination rollout and testing. Surge testing communications are in place, as this could be required anywhere
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Care Sector – Richard Webb
- There have been no outbreaks under 14 days in any of our 235 Care Homes today, for only the second time since last July. There will, of course, be fluctuations, but this is good news. Thanks to everyone across the Sector for their hard work in achieving this
- Members may notice a good deal of media concerning local guidance on trips out from Care Homes. A group of Care Home residents; family members and Care Home Providers produced a North Yorkshire approach to trips out – it was a great piece of work. The latest Guidance nationally limits trips out. People in Care Homes feel strongly about that. The matter has been raised with local MPs, who have been very helpful. The Bishop of Ripon has also raised the issue and we are talking to civil servants. There is a big difference between self-isolation from household mixing, as against trips out with designated carers or family members for fresh air and exercise
NHS – Sue Peckitt
- The number of people with Covid-19 in inpatient beds has reduced significantly – 25 in North Yorkshire; and 5 in the Darlington area. There are also low numbers in ICU beds. The picture is positive
- Maintaining Covid-distancing controls in Hospitals but working to relax some aspects
North Yorkshire Police – Lisa Winward
- Since outdoor Hospitality had opened there had been no major breaches – thank you to the community for complying with the Regulations
- As the weather improves, people are urged to remind themselves that these conditions do still exist. There are specific conditions as to the number of people you can mingle with – even outdoors. People are urged to continue to support the hands; face; space; fresh air approach
Schools – Ian Yapp
- Control measures continued from the position we were in before Easter – it is steady away at the moment
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The Chair confirmed that the next meeting will be on Friday 21st May at 2.00 p.m.
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There was no other business to consider. |
The meeting concluded at 2.55 p.m.